Sunday, 24 March 2024

All Hell Let Loose 20

 Final submission for this year's AHPC below: 

Marder IIs and Sd Kfz 10/4 with 20mm AA all from Pendraken Miniatures. 

There are decals in the post for identification purposes however if being honest at 10mm scale not sure the need is really there. 

They are all painted up from a panzer grey undercoat to build up layers from dark to light. Takes a bit longer and won't necessarily use this style for all the models in this group but its rewarding. Oil washes would/will be much quicker and are a likely option for the next batch. 

The Pz IV is digitally printed model from last year and no idea who the files are from, probably on the internet of everything...

Cheers for now


Jonathan Freitag said...

Great results! How did you fare in the painting challenge?

Ray Rousell said...

And very nice they look too!

Michael Awdry said...

Very nicely done.

Neil Scott said...

They look superb

roma912 said...

Thanks Jonathan, I completed 20% of my Challenge total. Real life has over shadowed hobbies and games so far in 2014.

roma912 said...

Cheers Ray, kind of you to say so.

roma912 said...

Thank you Michael

roma912 said...

Cheers Neil