Friday 31 March 2023

Fury of the North 28

It has been a while since I've painted Vikings in any numbers and since rebasing those that have already been painted on to 40mm squares for Hail Caesar there will be a good few coming this way soon. 

First up are the three on the left of the conga starting with the bare chested axeman.

The other figures are all repurposed from a SAGA warband that wasn't getting any use, so rather than paint more figures yet more rebasing happened. The bases are from Warbases, my friendly local gaming store. 

The berserker winding himself up by baring his chest is from Shieldwall Figures available through Gripping Beast. The overly hairy bare chested warrior is from Wargames Foundry with the rest of the motley crue hailing from Gripping Beast. 

Painting figures for the Dark Ages allows a lot of freedom with colour,  poses and general outlook of the figures. Something that you find less of in later periods and some earlier periods as well. This allows more creativity with the painting and posing of finished figures for the final bases. 

There are a dozen or more Vikings on the painting table at present along with a few other projects that are far more regimented so it will be good to break the monotony of production painting in these guys. 

Cheers for now. 

Thursday 30 March 2023

Back to the Brushes 370

As the Early Imperial Romans begin to leave the painting table their space is quickly take up by the above figures from AB Miniatures; British Line Infantry for a small 1812 -15 project involving the following regiments:

  • King's German Legion 5th Line Infantry Battalion
  • King's German Legion 8th Line Infantry Battalion
  • King's German Legion 2nd Light Infantry Battalion
  • British 95th Rifles Battalion
  • 42nd Highlander Infantry Battalion (the Black Watch)
The picture above shows the start of the 5th Line Battalion, based on 24 figures per battalion, the same basing model will be used for the other battalions as they progress. In time a several squadrons of cavalry and a small artillery force will be added to round this out. 

The strange thing about this project is it's something that was never planned and but for lock down and an interest in "Wellington's Crisis" moment at La Sainte Haye it would never be here. 

Watch out for future updates for this...

Cheers for now 

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Imperium Sine Fine 33

Recently completed for the AHPC XIII these 15mm Early Imperial Romans from Plastic Soldier Company and Corvus Belli have been great fun to paint. 

The supporting Saggitarii figures in the rear rank are from Essex Miniatures and their older sculpts hold up well against the newer and chunker legionnaires at the front. 
Shield transfers from Little Big Men's superb range

The legionnaires are double ranked for ADLG basing although this will be getting adopted as standard for 15mm figures on future projects.

The finished figures will join the ranks for an ADLG army as well as use in DBA and Hail Caesar in the future.

More finished figures to follow shortly.

Cheers for now.

Monday 6 March 2023

Back to the Brushes 369

Challenge Update

As the AHPC XIII starts it's final fortnight here are a few of the hopeful's for last posts. 

The Viking with the bared chest and the ochre tunic and axe wielding loon to his left have already made the pass. The question is how many more will go with them. 

Pictures to follow of some finished 15 and 28mm figures. 

Cheers for now.