Tuesday 13 July 2021

Back to the Brushes 312

A slow start to the month which is now gathering a bit of pace. Changes everywhere just now and readjusting to this as well as a major sporting event or two has taken a chunk out of hobby time. That said there will be different priorities in the coming months that will free some time up to paint; more of that later. 

Started on this motley crew earlier this week after a WhatsApp chat about Warhammer Ancients with a friend. A bit of reminiscing, a bit of potential forward planning and a bit of general gaming chat brought these figures to the fore. 

As usual for this period the figures are from Gripping Beast and were a part of a larger lot purchased on evil Bay back in the day. On starting to paint these there are a few burrs here and there that have been missed when cleaning up the figures and one or two faces have seen better days. Not looking to win any beauty prizes with these just well-painted figures that will fit into several Dark Age warbands; Normans and Bretons to start with.

Hope that you found this interesting and stay safe. 

Cheers for now. 


tradgardmastare said...

A fine band of dark age brothers. I look forward to seeing them being worked on.

Jonathan Freitag said...

Good start! June was bad for me on the painting front too but July is looking up.

DeanM said...

Nice WIP on fine Dark Age figures. I can relate to the reminiscing of WAB.