Tuesday 14 February 2023

The Sunne in Splendour 5

Recently started a Wars of the Roses retinue for Lion Rampant and similar style skirmish games.

Following in the footsteps of the DBA army painted a couple of year back these will have Lancastrian colours and will be under the colours of Roos.

The figures are from Perry Miniatures metal ranges and paint exceptionally well. The detail is clear and crisp with not too much flash if any. 

There are another three figures on the painting table at the moment and these will completed later this week. 

Whilst being painted for skirmish gaming, the use of sabot bases will enable these figures to have a bit more use for larger games as well. 

The next group for this retinue will have a darker approach to the painting of their armour; check out Medieval on Netflixs for ideas. 

Cheers for now.