Friday 17 February 2023

Imperium Sine Fine 32

The Early Imperial Romans are still struggling forward in rough ground; typical deployment error with heavy infantry here - drawn towards the mud and seldom get out.  The Legionnaires are from Plastic Soldier Company

The rear rank have been completed as a part of the AHPC XIII and have been based in support of their command group. 

The shield transfers are from Little Big Men and whilst fiddly at this scale are worth the time and effort to set a unit off. 

Auxilia archers are an option in ADLG  for legions so as there are figures spare...decided to paint them for this very purpose. They'll also double as additional light infantry archers if needed. The auxilia archers are from Essex miniatures are slightly finer in scale than the PSC figures. 

Currently working on more Roman archers to complete the full array of options in the list - basically more units of the same. 

Cheers for now. 

1 comment:

tradgardmastare said...

Very nice Romans indeed.