Sunday, 26 December 2021
A little bit of miniature Bingo
Saturday, 25 December 2021
Back to the Brushes 333
- Carthaginians in 28mm for SAGA
- Crusaders in 15mm for ADLG
- Hoplites in 15mm for DBA
- Sargonid Assyrians in 15mm for DBA
- Figures started before the AHPC began earlier this week
- Skeletons in 28mm for Fantasy skirmish
- Early Imperial Romans in 15mm for ADLG
- Fallschirmjager in 28mm for Chain of Command
Friday, 24 December 2021
Seasons Greetings 2021
Thursday, 23 December 2021
30 Days 30 Miniatures - November 2021 Round Up
A late round up picture from November's 30 Days Painting Challenge.
In total 16 figures completed last month. Slipping backwards again however, the AHPC XII will end this year and start next year in a glorious fashion.
First session was last night and have started on the Carthaginians for SAGA and Fallschrimjager for Chain of Command. Both in 28mm. Blocking in fleshtones for humans and horses.
Pictures to follow shortly.
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
So Glorious a War
- Lord Egremont to King George III of Great Britain, crowned on October 25th, 1760, just two weeks after the fall of Montreal ending the French and Indian War.
As this is only the second figure painted from this group, it could be sometime before they grace a gaming table. That also depends on what 2022 brings us all.
This takes the tally for December's 30 Days to:
1 x 28mm figure
Cheers for now
Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XII - and away they go
Saturday, 11 December 2021
RIP Chris Achilleos 1947 - 2021
A legend in fantasy art, Chris Achellios - in my opinion - died earlier this week.
One of many pieces of his work that decked the walls of my room as a teenager.
Always thought of this as a great image of Elric and it reflects his loneliness as his civilisation dies because of his betrayal of it.
He was an inspiration to many of us and he and his work will be missed.
Rest in peace.
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Reconquista 9
The figures are from Gripping Beast and have been a pleasure to paint up and will be moving on with the second point of levy being the crossbowmen.
- Warlord
- 4 Mounted Hearthguards
- 8 Warriors
- 8 Warriors
- 8 Warriors
- 12 Levy with bows
- 12 Levy with crossbows
Saturday, 4 December 2021
Back to the Brushes 332
Will be starting another 30 Day Painting Challenge this evening although there will be a slight difference in this months Challenge:
The difference being that the AHPC XII starts on the 21st December and from then on it's only miniatures that are prepped only - none already started.
Prepping has been started and to be honest there is always enough on the sidelines to be starting with. First up will be some 15mm and 28mm being
- Sargonid Assyrians for DBA
- Carthaginians for SAGA
- Wood Elf Regiment of Renown for Oathmark
- Skeleton Warriors for Oathmark
- With various units to follow that will continue on with started projects from the last couple of years.
As always for the 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge there is no theme to this, just to paint and complete 30 miniatures regardless of their starting condition or size.
The outline of the challenge is detailed below, however the main point being to have fun with your hobby.
- To paint 30 (As Many as You Can month) figures of all shapes and sizes in 30 days
- The figures can be partly painted at the start as the main point is to complete figures that have been forgotten
- Basing is not necessary to count as completed
- Any scale is good
- Too have fun
- The end date is set by your start date - 21st December will be the end date of this challenge
- To post updates as often as possible
- Lastly to show a roundup post with a group picture of everything.
Cheers for now
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Fury of the North 27
A quick update on the very slow process being made on the Foundry Norman's as these two are finally based and finished for use.
Originally started for WAB as mercenaries, these will also be used in Lion Rampant and SAGA in a variety of roles.
Cheers for now.
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Back to the Brushes 331
The dark sleeves and turbans were painting in black contrast paint then highlighted as required. The jury is out on these paints at present although the sleeves have worked very well.
Based on 25mm rounds from Warbases for skirmish gaming in general.
This takes the tally for this month to:
2 x 15mm Infantry
3 x 28mm Infantry
Still a fair amount to complete for the end of the month and then time will be focussing on a different challenge for the dark nights in the new year.
Cheers for now
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Back to the Brushes 330
Finished two crossbowmen earlier this week and found some time to create this wee post for tonight. The figures are from Gladiator Miniatures and are now available from Fighting 15's.
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Back to the Brushes 329
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Back to the Brushes 328
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - November 2021
Will be starting another 30 Day Painting Challenge this evening and continuing the catch up on the growing shortfall from recent months.
For the 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge there is no theme to this, just to paint and complete 30 miniatures regardless of their starting condition or size.
The outline of the challenge is detailed below, however the main point being to have fun with your hobby.
- To paint 30 figures of all shapes and sizes in 30 days
- The figures can be partly painted at the start as the main point is to complete figures that have been forgotten
- Basing is not necessary to count as completed
- Any scale is good
- Too have fun
- The end date is set by your start date - 2nd December will be the end date of this challenge
- To post updates as often as possible
- Lastly to show a roundup post with a group picture of everything.
Cheers for now
Monday, 1 November 2021
30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - October 2021 Round up
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 327
Since it's October and the Battle of Hastings was in October here are few Normans of very different sizes.
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 326
The next batch of painted Moorish archers are below; figures from Gripping Beast's Moors range.
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 325
A lot of potential for gaming in 28mm with these kits as the roofs lift off but more on that later.
The next posts will show other progress on figures and such stuff.
Cheers for now
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 324
More Moorish archers for SAGA today and getting near to the final paint session with both groups. The figures are from Gripping Beast and still hold up well considering their age.
Starting to get the jist of Contrast paints and seeing a lot of potential with them for certain things especially as using as glaze to bring colours together.
Still to complete any figures or terrain this month but there are a lot of items on the painting table. That's part of the problem, needing to focus more on a single element and get it done rather than butterflying around from one shiney to the next shiney.
Hope that you found this interesting and stay safe.
Cheers for now
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 323
The starting point for these after building is to create additional texture. The tiles are from Warbases and the mix for the exterior walls is a blend of PVA, paint and very, very fine sand. Once the roof tiles are in place on both buildings it will be time to start colouring in. Washes and layers will provide the basis of this with contrast coming from the windows, doors and woodwork on the porch. Will look at possibly weathering these buildings further by using weathering powders.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - October 2021
Will be starting another 30 Day Painting Challenge this evening and continuing the catch up on the growing shortfall from recent months.
For the 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge there is no theme to this, just to paint and complete 30 miniatures regardless of their starting condition or size.
The outline of the challenge is detailed below, however the main point being to have fun with your hobby.
- To paint 30 figures of all shapes and sizes in 30 days
- The figures can be partly painted at the start as the main point is to complete figures that have been forgotten
- Basing is not necessary to count as completed
- Any scale is good
- Too have fun
- The end date is set by your start date - 31st October will be the end date of this challenge
- To post updates as often as possible
- Lastly to show a round up post with a group picture of everything.
Cheers for now
Friday, 1 October 2021
Back to the Brushes 322
There goes September as we move into October and the last quarter of 2021 and another 30 days 30 Miniatures Painting challenge has ended.
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September's painting |
A few different periods and scales here this month as well as picking up on stalled projects.
From left to right there are the following:
1 x 28mm ruined classic column from Templar Wargames
1 x 28mm Norman archer from Gripping Beast
3 x 28mm Moor archers from Gripping Beast
4 x 28mm Fallschrimjager snipers from Warlord Games (Centre) and Artizan Design
9 x 15mm Early Imperial Roman Legionnaires from Plastic Soldier Company
This takes the total for September to 20 completed figures including the building for Warbases. Short of the total however, there is a lot sitting so near finished that October will be a full on month.
Sunday, 26 September 2021
Imperium Sine Fine 31
A recently completed scenery piece from the Warbases Veni Vidi Vici range in 28mm - the Stone Granary.
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Stone Granary |
A range of paints were used on this from masonry paint, emulsion, artists acrylics and modellers acrylics to achieve different colours and finishes different than normally used.
A scenery piece like this really sets off your gaming table and this range are superb kits with a huge range of potentials and not just for gaming but in different painting styles and conversion opportunities.
With painting buildings, I have always thought that texture is everything. The dimensions of the model carry themselves well, however, texture allows colours to be built up in layers much easier than plain surfaces.
A painted or plastered wall is seldom just the one colour - go take a walk and look at the differences in painted buildings. Age, weather, condition are all contributing factors that change the colour and some of this is shown on this building, more will be shown on another future project where weathering will be added in.
Really enjoyed painting this and will be looking forward to doing more from the same range in the coming months. This takes the tally this month to 2 finished items so far with 4 painting sessions still to go...
Cheers for now and stay safe.
Saturday, 25 September 2021
Back to the Brushes 321
The two archers in black below were an experiment to start off with using Games Workshop Contrast paint for the black; I forget the name, its black paint.
The levy will be made up of a mixture of these two figures and two other casts still to be started.
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Back to the Brushes 320
First figure for September's 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge is the lead Thessalian cavalry man below. These are a part of an ongoing project for a Macedonian DBA army in 28mm.
Friday, 3 September 2021
Dance of Bronze 25
As the Thessalian cavalry stand nears completion just taking this opportunity to show a stand of Greek or Paeonian Light Cavalry.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - August 2021 Round up
Round up for August's 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge below. Quite simply ran out of steam on the third rider for the Thessalians
2 x 28mm cavalry riders only - Thessalians from Foundry
2 x 28mm infantry - Normans from Foundry
2 x 28mm infantry - British and Fallschrimjager from Warlord Games
4 x 15mm cavalry - Bedouin from Museum Miniatures
12 x 15mm infantry - Early Imperial Romans from PSC
6 x 15mm cavalry - Ghulams from Minifigs (?)
1 x 20mm scenery piece
12 x 15mm infantry - Minifigs (?)
This gives a total of 41, not 39 as shown in the pics, tsk, tsk.
Got a bit of basing to do in the coming weeks!
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
30 Days 30 Miniature Painting Challenge - September 2021
Will be starting another 30 Day Painting Challenge this evening and continuing the catch up on the growing shortfall from recent months.
For the 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge there is no theme to this, just to paint and complete 30 miniatures regardless of their starting condition or size.
The outline of the challenge is detailed below, however the main point being to have fun with your hobby.
- To paint 30 figures of all shapes and sizes in 30 days
- The figures can be partly painted at the start as the main point is to complete figures that have been forgotten
- Basing is not necessary to count as completed
- Any scale is good
- Too have fun
- The end date is set by your start date - 30th September will be the end date of this challenge
- To post updates as often as possible
- Lastly to show a round up post with a group picture of everything.
Cheers for now
Monday, 30 August 2021
Back to the Brushes 319
Another two items towards this month's challenge.
Both are for use in WW2, the first in 1/72nd scale is the row of sandbags. A generic piece of scatter terrain that fits in with another piece painted in recent months.
Friday, 13 August 2021
Back to the Brushes 318
A few of the different projects on the painting table at present.
Clockwise rom top left PSC Early Imperial Romans in 15mm
Arab light infantry from Minifigs again in 15mm
Fallschirmjager from Warlord Games in 28mm
British infantry from Warlord Games in 28mm
All to be included in this month's 30 Days 30 Miniatures Paintin Challenge.
Stay safe and cheers for now.
Monday, 9 August 2021
Back to the Brushes 317
Started working on the Macedonians again last night. Rather than select one group of troops over another opted to continue with both the
Thessalian Cavalry
And the Hypaspists
As there eight Hypaspists to paint its looking more likely that the cavalry will be ready first.
The tunic started as Foundry Wine Stain A, a mix of the shade and mid tone were used for the layer and then the midtone only was used for the highlight. The armour was base coated with Vallejo Old Gold, washed with AP strong tone and will be highlighted with base coat and silver mix to suit.
The pteryges were painted with the Foundry Canvas triad to almost white.
Hope this was of interest.
Stay safe and cheers for now.
Sunday, 8 August 2021
Back to the Brushes 316
Finished the painting on these Arab Ghulams last night for this month's challenge.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Back to the Brushes 315
Whilst newer sculpts for Normans do exist these are still some of the best on the market and are a pleasure to paint.
Once the shields have been touched up a little - due to slightly broken lines on the strips - these will join others from this range as Norman mercenaries in SAGA, WAB and general Dark Age skirmish games.
This takes the tally this month to:
2 x 28mm Infantry
Still a good few to do.
Stay safe and cheers for now
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Dance of Bronze 24
A colourful unit with perhaps the original "Nike" top on even if it is made of different layers of material.
Stay safe and cheers for now.