Friday 26 June 2020

Back to the Brushes 265

In the previous Back to the Brushes post, Hun cavalry were mention being found underneath the Late Roman cavalry. 

To say that there were surprised expletives used when the figures were counted would be an understatement.

The basis of a 1500 point WAB army was there, horses glued to stands, prepped and primed. Forty one cavalry in all plus sixteen skirmishers; there were tears in the corner of both eyes. 

So what to do with them? Store, paint or sell are the main options. Storing takes no effort but achieves nothing. Painting takes the most effort and is the most rewarding once completed. Selling, is easy enough and can be financially rewarding if not tinged with regret. 

So, painting it is and as it is well known that horses are my bete noire; then how to do it? 

As one very large protect split into 8 colour sections. The Trello cards are drawn up and each colour has a variety of steps until based and completed sans rider. Why? Because painting horses is a bugbear here so deciding to take the stallion by the main and go for it. End date? Have notionally set the end of September for the horses and basing; the riders will be a separate project in their own right later in the year. 

Will post updates on this as the project progresses. 

Cheers for now. 


Guidowg said...

Great decision to paint instead of shelving or selling. I'll be watching your progress for inspiration to get my horde moving along sometime soon.
Good luck.

tradgardmastare said...

They should be spectacular when they are finished. I look forward to following their progress.

Paul Scrivens-Smith said...

Good find.
When I moved to the US my lead mountain was split into three pile (take and) Paint, leave in storage or sell.