Wednesday 29 July 2020

Back to the Brushes 270

With only one painting session to go until the end of this 30 Days and 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge to go; how close to the finish line are things looking?

Close, very close...

First up is a command stand from Warlord Games Caesarian Roman range. This is the final command stand for this army in ADLG if played at 200 points; not so sure that will happen in 28mm however, never say never.

Next is another command stand from another Roman army; The Late Roman army this time. The standard bearer and the poor bloody infantry man have been painted for this stand, the commander was painted about 18 years ago.

Keeping with the theme of command stands here is another one finished in this challenge; this time for the Wars of the Roses in 15mm.

Whilst on the subject of wars on this fair land, here are two Norman from Wargames Foundry. After over 35 years in production these are still great figures for the Dark Ages in general. There will be more from this range later in the year.

The Anglo Saxons were a Dark Age culture that lived in Middengeard (Old English) which translates to Midgard (Old Norse) and Tolkien adapted this to Middle Earth. Tall and proud in Middle Earth are the Men of Gondor, descendants of the Numenoreans who fought in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Now as their strength fades the Men of Gondor fight for survival and here is one of their veterans ready to defend his homeland.

Normally, these pics would be centred on the page however Blogger is having one of its little moods and obviously knows what is required better than I do. Such is life. 

This means that the current total now sits at 22 figures completed in this challenge detailed as below

28mm Infantry: 19 figures
28mm Cavalry: 1 figure
15mm Cavalry: 2 figures

All to paint for now.

Hope that you found this interesting.

Cheers for now


Jonathan Freitag said...

Good looking command stands. With 8 figures to go, will you make it?

roma912 said...

Should do as just completed six Late Roman Cataphract and one Landwehr. Just a few bits on the second Landwehr and we're there.

Cheers, Ross

tradgardmastare said...

Great command stands , they really look the part.

tradgardmastare said...

Go for it Ross!

Michael Awdry said...

You can do it!

George Anderson said...

I do like that Roman command.

roma912 said...

Thanks everyone.