Monday 4 May 2020

The Sunne In Splendour

Roughly twenty years ago in a charity shop lay a slightly worn copy of Sharon Penman's The Sunne in Splendour which made its way to the reading pile.

At the time, there were no thoughts of any miniatures, armies, retinues or games relating to the Wars of the Roses; this is a much more recent plan again brought on by another fiction novel - Stormbird and a bargain on evil bay - 2 15mm DBA armies worth of Gladiator Miniatures Wars of the Roses 15mm figures.

So here starts what is likely to be a fairly long series of posts under the title of The Sunne in Splendour. Ironically, the book of the same title is from the Yorkist view point and Richard the Third, yet the subject here will be Lancasterian figures.

The full Battle

DBA army plus an additional Light Infantry base

Buckingham's Command

Oxford's Command

The first Command stand for ADLG

All the King's Horses
There will be more for this period in both 15mm and 28mm in the future. Hope that you find this interesting.

Stay safe.

Cheers for now.


tradgardmastare said...

A fascinating period, I look forward to seeing what you do in it.

Michael Awdry said...

That's an impressive sight!

Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

Nice looking army!


Prufrock said...

A fine looking army and a good book!