Monday 19 November 2012

Back to the Brushes 38

Have been slowly painting a Viking Warband for SAGA over the last year as well as an army for Impetus. Great figures to drop in and out of once in a while, however, this does mean that the projects are slow at the very least. Any way some work has been on going on these figures from Gripping Beast's newer range of Vikings

After these four figures are completed it will be on the Bondi for the warrior groups. All of the figures from the SAGA warband will also be used in the Impetus army by using sabot bases from Warbases. Not only will these bases save time and money but they may also mean the Vikings will see the table this decade.

Below is yet another casualty figure that is nearing completion. This figure is from Old Glory and will hopefully be ready for basing later today.

That's all for now
