Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Odds and ends

For those of you who have not yet seen the display game of Heraclea put on at Partizan, then this link is well worth a visit. A truly impressive table with a similarly impressive amount of lead on it. The figures look the part and the overall aspect of the table is what many wargamers seek in larger games. Sadly, this hasn't been seen in the flesh as Partizan is a bit out of the way.

Displays like this have you looking at the lead mountain in a different way, and suddenly lists start appearing; as do visits to the likes of Aventine Miniatures, just too see what's what you know.

On the subject of out of the way, a missed opportunity occurred several weeks ago; when due to work the following Medieval Display was missed:

The display was held at Abbot House in Dunfermline and you can just see the Abbey at the top centre of the picture. Doubly annoying was the fact that this was only two minutes from work. There are more pictures available at the Abbot House's facebook page here. Still got a good reference picture for the future.

Off to do some painting, cheers for now.


tradgardmastare said...

Missed the Abbot House thing too- must read the local paper etc better as I didn't know it was on...

DeanM said...

Ooh, the helmets are truly works of art. Best, Dean

P.S. The Heraclea game is also impressive.