Monday, 17 February 2025

Back to the Brushes 400

Over the last few weeks have been working on a few different projects. To say that there has been little progress would be an understatement, so, a little change of direction was called for. 

There is a steady stream of chat at work relating to Kings of War and the original plan was to paint Dwarves for this however, the figures that are available are mostly retro Citadel figures from a time when character figures made up the range. These are your friend if you're trying to create a new army for a new game. 

Enter the skeletons...

A stalled project that will enable a quick turn around on several based units; skeleton warriors and archers. Some are already finished, some have been partial painted a couple of years back and some are in the process of being painted now. The figures are from the Oathmark range.

Kings of War offers a basing option that is similar to Impetus in that the figures are multi based to suit. The basic infantry base is a troop sized at 100 x 40mm and this is doubled for a regiment.

In the immortal words of Blue Peter, here's one I made earlier from the previously painted figures. Base from Warbases and there are also movement trays to fit as well. 

More on these shortly. 

Cheers for now.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Back to the Brushes 399

It's February already; how the ... did that happen! 

A couple of updates on two different things passing across the painting table just now.

Rebased 15mm Alternative Armies Undead for use in Hordes of Things. These are now all on 40mm fronted bases and will be textured, dry brushed and finished - again - shortly.

Above are a couple of very different looking Dwarves. On the left a nod to Conan the Barbarian; a beardless dwarf in a loin cloth.  The other dwarf has a much more Gothic look with armour more suited for the 15th century. 

More to follow shortly. 

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Back to the Brushes 398

Something new, something old and something different. 

Something new - SAGA: Age of Chivalry Hundred Years War from Perry Miniatures. 

Something old - El Cid skirmishers in 28mm from Gripping Beast. 

Something different - 25mm Dwarves for Kings of War including retro Citadel figures at the rear and Ral Partha in the fore; a glutton for punishment. 

 More to follow on these shortly. 

Cheers for now.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

How Far Jerusalem 7

The latest addition to the Late Crusader army for ADLG include three stands of the Knights of Jerusalem as shown below. 

Have used a bit of artistic licence when painting these, however, think that it's relevant enough to give a reasonable historical feel to the figures. 

As with the rest of the army, these are from the sadly no longer available Gladiator Miniatures range.

These are the first figures in 2025 and hopefully there will be more to follow. They have been included in the AHPC XV.

Cheers for now. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Back to the Brushes 397

Some work in progress pictures for the Romano Brits in two scales. 

Firstly, in 28mm Romano Brits from Gripping Beast to be used in SAGA and potentially Midgard; however that's a long long way away. 

These figures are the start of two points worth of warriors, to join the original hearthguard painted in AHPC X back in 2020; and yes, they are very much a project that have been in limbo for a long time. The shield transfers are from Little Big Men.

The second scale is in 15mm and includes light and medium cavalry for the Romano Brits in ADLG.

The picture includes horses for two stands of light cavalry, three stands of medium cavalry and a command stand. 

Lurking on the keyboard are figures from a newly started project in 28mm but more on them later in the week. 

Cheers for now. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Back to the Brushes 396

Already two weeks into 2025 and already behind with painting plans. 

Have more partially painted miniatures on the desk than finished miniatures and more primed than partially painted. To be fair though that's not that unusual. 

As it's the start of another year - it's past time for New Year greetings - here is the beginning of something new. 

A base filler for Kings of War Free Dwarves Ambush force with a Troop of Ironclad Warriors at the rear.

Old Citadel figures for the above Ironclad troop and an Iron breaker at the front will give both units a definite retro look. 

More to follow shortly. 

Cheers for now.