Monday 30 August 2021

Back to the Brushes 319

Another two items towards this month's challenge. 

Both are for use in WW2, the first in 1/72nd scale is the row of sandbags. A generic piece of scatter terrain that fits in with another piece painted in recent months.

The second figure is from Warlord Games Bolt Action range and is the first 28mm British Infantryman from this range. A lot of character in these figures and they paint up well. 

This takes the tally this month so far to:

3 x 28mm infantry
6 x 15mm cavalry
1 x 20mm terrain piece

Stay safe and cheers for now

Friday 13 August 2021

Back to the Brushes 318


A few of the different projects on the painting table at present.

Clockwise rom top left PSC Early Imperial Romans in 15mm

Arab light infantry from Minifigs again in 15mm

Fallschirmjager from Warlord Games in 28mm

British infantry from Warlord Games in 28mm

All to be included in this month's 30 Days 30 Miniatures Paintin Challenge.

Stay safe and cheers for now. 

Monday 9 August 2021

Back to the Brushes 317

Started working on the Macedonians again last night. Rather than select one group of troops over another opted to continue with both the

Thessalian Cavalry

And the Hypaspists

As there eight Hypaspists to paint its looking more likely that the cavalry will be ready first.

The tunic started as Foundry Wine Stain A, a mix of the shade and mid tone were used for the layer and then the  midtone only was used for the highlight. The armour was base coated with Vallejo Old Gold, washed with AP  strong tone and will be highlighted with base coat and silver mix to suit. 

The pteryges were painted with the Foundry Canvas triad to almost white.

Hope this was of interest.

Stay safe and cheers for now. 

Sunday 8 August 2021

Back to the Brushes 316

Finished the painting on these Arab Ghulams last night for this month's challenge.

The figures are old Minifigs and rather than use a single pose per stand have mixed the different figure types up. This is enough to give each element a slightly different visual hook without buying anymore figures.  The colours unify the stands across the table. 

This takes the tally this month to:

2 x 28mm infantry
6 x 15mm cavalry

For a running total of eight figures out of thirty. Good start to the month. 

Stay safe and cheers.


Friday 6 August 2021

Back to the Brushes 315

Starting this month's challenge with these dismounted Milites from Wargames Foundry. 

Whilst newer sculpts for Normans do exist these are still some of the best on the market and are a pleasure to paint. 

Once the shields have been touched up a little - due to slightly broken lines on the strips - these will join others from this range as Norman mercenaries in SAGA, WAB and general Dark Age skirmish games. 

This takes the tally this month to:

2 x 28mm Infantry 

Still a good few to do.

Stay safe and cheers for now

Thursday 5 August 2021

Dance of Bronze 24

Here are the Prodromoi or those that run before the army painted during AHPC XI. The figures are from A & A Miniatures and are armed as sarrisophoroi. The sculpts don't give the option to arm with javelin and they are for use with a Macedonian army. 

A colourful unit with perhaps the original "Nike" top on even if it is made of different layers of material. 

Incidentally, have another 4 or 5 figures that will be surplus to requirements if anyone is interested. 

What now? Thessalian, Companions or Hypaspists - they are all part painted just need to find the motivation to dust them off and continue to the finish with them.

Stay safe and cheers for now.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - July 2021 Round up

Round up pic for July 2021's 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge. Managed to add in another 5 crossbowmen for 15mm Late Crusaders army.

This takes the total for last month to 

17 x 15mm infantry

1 x 20mm WW2 terrain piece

2 x 28mm infantry

Totalling 20 figures from 30 or 66% completion. 

Looking to improve on this for next month. 

Stay safe and cheers for now

Monday 2 August 2021

30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge - August 2021

Will be starting another 30 Day Painting Challenge this evening and looking to catch up on the growing shortfall from recent months. 

For the 30 Days 30 Miniatures Painting Challenge there is no theme to this, just to paint and complete 30 miniatures regardless of their starting condition or size. 

The outline of the challenge is detailed below, however the main point being to have fun with your hobby.

  • To paint 30 figures of all shapes and sizes in 30 days
  • The figures can be partly painted at the start as the main point is to complete figures that have been forgotten
  • Basing is not necessary to count as completed
  • Any scale is good
  • Too have fun
  • The end date is set by your start date - 31st August will be the end date of this challenge
  • To post updates as often as possible
  • Lastly to show a round up post with a group picture of everything.

Hope that you will find this interesting.

Cheers for now