Monday, 25 October 2010

Another day down...

No progress to update on any of the projects that are currently ongoing. Infact there has been very little activity here at all, so much so that the painting desk will a require a good dusting before any work can start.

The re-reading of the Elric saga has been entertaining and might led to the purchase of a few character figures as below:

The miniatures from Hasslefree Figures do have a certain Melnibonean appeal, but may be just to heavy set but it is hard to tell without seeing the figures in the flesh. If the figures do appear on the door step as if by magic then it will really be a single figure project as entertaining as a Melnibonean army for Impetus Fantasy would be.

Hopefully the motivation and time to paint will return this week. Strange how one mishap with some varnish can really put your enthuisiam for a project down.


Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A blast from the past

Its strange how the mind works. Whilst search through a journal database the name Achilleos popped up in an article that was completely irrelevant. The name however sparked off a series of memories that led to the following:

  • A web search for the Chris Achilleos web site
  • A trip up the loft to dug out the old Michael Moorcock Elric books
  • And ultimately this post
The image below is a favourite, depicting the fall of a decadent empire and the primary character of the above books; Elric. In many ways characters like Elric brought about this blog, as the progression from roleplaying to wargaming would never have happened without the initial impetus of reading Moorcock's fantasy works. The scale of the background in this picture has always impressed, as does the detail in the work as well.

Achilleos' work doesn't carry the same energy as Michael Whelan's cover images from the Elric books, his style being more refined. Both images however do capture Elric in two totally different ways.

The Spartans are progressing slowly, too slowly to be honest but my time is limited at present for painting. Hopefully the re-paint on the 5th phalanx will be complete shortly and when it is some pics to follow.

Thats all for now.