Tuesday 21 June 2016

Back to the Brushes 109

Some more work in progress pics of both 6mm Rapier Miniatures Hypaspists and the ongoing rebasing of 15mm Essex ACW Confederates.

Shown next to their finished comrades in arms to spur them on to greater things in the future; or something like that.

Below is the start of the Greek/Macedonian Light cavalry, with six stands in all. These javelin armed cavalry will scurry the flanks and weak points of the opposition looking for cracks for their heavier big brothers to exploit.

With the infantry all waiting on the final coat of varnish here are the first three stands of artillery; there are six in all at present.

The brick work in the background is from a building for Dead Man's Hand.

That's all for just now, next up will be some finished pictures from Ancients and ACW

Cheers for now


Michael Awdry said...

Lovely progress Sir.

roma912 said...

Thanks Michael, getting there very slowly.

Cheers, Ross