Saturday 9 July 2011

Comparatively speaking

many miniature manufacturers have different views on what is 28mm, as for that matter do many gamers. Older ranges tend to towards 25mm and some newer ranges are moving towards 32mm. We all have our preferred ranges and manufactures for a variety of reasons. The ranges below are all compatible in size at 28mm and come from several well known manufacturers.

From left to right you have here: Aventine; Gorgon Studios; Aventine; Foundry; Aventine; Foundry and Gripping Beast. 

The Aventine figures are some samples that Kevin from Aventine Miniatures sent through the other day. Great service from Aventine here, with the samples arriving next day and the response time to an emailed enquiry being rapid. That along with the quality of the figures adds to the overall perception that Aventine have their attention fixed on customer service. The comparison figures are from the lead mountain and are all sculpted by Steve Saleh.  The Aventine figures compare well against the other figures and fit in well in terms of size. That said they are excellent figures in their own right, being well sculpted with clear details and clean casts and a few of them will be joining the ranks of Late Macedonians and Successors very shortly as regular pikemen and mercenaries.

Aventine Miniatures are definitely worth taking a look at if you haven't already done so and to be fair that elephant on their front page is bloody marvellous to say the least.

Here are a few more comparison pictures between the ranges above:

Showing heights at 25mm to shoulders 28mm to eyes.
Top: Aventine Bottom: Foundry
From the left Aventine, Foundry, Aventine, Foundry, Aventine, Foundry
From the left Aventine, Gorgon Studios
Top: Aventine. Bottom: Gripping Beast
From the left Aventine, GB, Aventine, GB, Aventine, GB
Hopefully you have found these pictures of use and are better able to resist temptation than some others. Work on the Allied Phalanx progresses well - if slowly and there will be some work in progress pictures presently.

Cheers for now

1 comment:

tradgardmastare said...

A thoughtful and interesting post- can't wait to see pics of the chaps with big pointy sticks,sorry pikes. Brings back memeories of when I trailed a pike in the Sealed Knot many moons ago...